Then, right-click on the CMF icon and select Pending Action to display the application you want to install.Note: If you need applications such as MS Project 2013 SP1 and/or MS Visio 2013 SP1, do the same action described in step 6. To install MS Office 2013 Professional Plus SP1 (x86) tick the " Install" checkbox, and push the Save button.Once it is done, open Add/Remove CMF Packages page again by right-clicking on the CMF icon in the windows system tray.

Note: MS Visio 2010 and/or MS Project 2010 will be present in the Pending packages list if you selected them before. Click on Start Now to start removing MS Office 2010. Then right-click on the CMF icon and select Pending Action to display the list of your applications.Note: The same notification will be displayed for MS Visio 2010 and/or MS Project 2010 if you selected them before. CMF icon will start blinking and will display the following notification in order to invite you to remove the selected application.Note: This " Save" action button will remove MS Office 2010, MS Project 2010 and MS Visio 2010. Search for the MS Office 2010 items already installed (MS Office 2010, MS Project 2010, MS Visio 2010), untick the ' Install' checkbox and click the ' Save' button.Open Add/Remove CMF Packages page by right-clicking on the CMF icon in the windows system tray.If MS Office 2010 is not installed, follow the instructions described in Step 5. If you are running Windows 7 with MS Office 2010 already installed, please start with Step 1 and follow the instructions. MS Project 2013 Service Pack 1 and MS Visio 2013 Service Pack 1 have also been released. On this document MS Office 2013 refers to MS Office 2013 SP1. Note: Since April 2013, MS Office 2013 Service Pack 1 has been released and it is available on CMF. How to install MS Office 2013 ? Installing MS Office 2013 How to add components to MS Office 2013 ?.How to repair MS Office 2013 installation?.This document is divided into the following sections: